
2021 WE2 Annual Meeting

Come join us for open floor discussions, Q+A’s, and presentations on the diversity and inclusion efforts conducted by the IAC Women for Energy Efficiency network from August 2020 through June 2021!

Anyone connected to the WE network or the IAC Program is encouraged to attend!
Last year we had an even mix of current students, IAC alumni, IAC staff, center directors, WE2 Mentors, and professional industry contacts.

EVENT: Thursday, June 17th 2021 | 4-6 PM EDT (2-4 PM MT)
ZOOM EVENT LINK: https://rutgers.zoom.us/j/92804013119?pwd=SWFBZ1l4ZEd3L1NNVTBZckY0NEFSdz09

Edit: A recording of the meeting has made available on the https://iac.university/we2 along with the WE2 and IAC Diversity Metrics presentation slides.

The Rutgers CAES Team Hosts:

Sara Neiss, Graduate Staff Engineer and WE2 Program Manager
Kelly Baber, Center Energy Engineer
Sush Singh, Student Engineer

The IAC All Woman Assessment Panel

This year we celebrate the IAC Program’s first all woman energy assessment. The Intermountain Industrial Assessment Center at University of Utah conducted an energy assessment with a diverse all woman team including female faculty and student leadership, international students, and students from sophomore to PhD educational levels. The facility assessed produces automotive safety products. Their annual electricity bill was around 20.4 million kWh, and resulted in 6 recommendations touching on compressed air, insulating bare equipment, fuel switch, and creating an energy manager position.

What is the importance of having the opportunity to conduct an assessment with an all woman team vs a team with equal representation?
What are the obstacles to creating all-female teams in the IAC environment? How do we help overcome these obstacles?
Do we as a group need to draw attention to all-female efforts or does that reduce the impact of their work by focusing on their gender?

Dr. Julie Sieving (Faculty Lead) – IIAC Co-Director
Sai Pandit – Junior Chemical Engineer
Abby Hall – Sophomore Chemical Engineer
Yunzhi Chen – PhD Chemical Engineer
Moriah Henning – IIAC Staff Engineer and IIAC Alumni

Rutgers is an equal access/equal opportunity institution. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to direct suggestions, comments, or complaints concerning any accessibility issues with Rutgers websites to accessibility@rutgers.edu or complete the Report Accessibility Barrier / Provide Feedback form.

As a recipient of federal funds, Rutgers is subject to the prohibitions against sex-based discrimination set forth in Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, as amended.  For additional information, see https://uec.rutgers.edu/policies/title-ix/.

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