
WE2 – “The Circle” Book Club

The IAC Women for Energy Efficiency Network (WE2) is hosting a virtual Book Club discussion of “The Circle” by David Eggers. The WEBook Club explores a range of genres that include memoir, self-help, business, historical fiction, and science fiction. The books are chosen for their themes on gender, diversity in STEM and the workforce, advancing technology, energy crisis, women in leadership, and other important topics for women in energy and engineering fields.

All IAC students, staff, alumni, and other connections are welcome to attend! It is not mandatory to have watched the movie or attended Movie Night prior to attending this event. We will be discussing both the book and the movie during this event. If you’d like to just come to the discussion and listen, you’re welcome to! This is a more informal event but is still a great networking opportunity where mentors, mentees, and more can meet others and discuss a book together!

There is a free audiobook available on YouTube in a Part 1 and Part 2 if you’d prefer to listen to the book.

“The Circle” by Dave Eggers

Details about this event are as follows:

BOOK: The Circle by Dave Eggers

DATE & TIME: Tuesday March 22, 2022 at 4:00pm ET ( 2:00pm MT)

Post-Book Club
We had some great conversation going at our book club event! Some of these discussion points included:
– Living in a futuristic time
– Futuristic technology in today’s world and implementations of them
– Interview experience at a variety of companies
– Important post-interview takeaways
– Productivity and its relation to coworkers
– Gender and its role in the book and in a workplace
– Time commitments to work and its effects
– How age has an impact on the hiring process
– How companies adapt to increase employee retention rates
– Having make the choice of work vs. family
– Current utility and gas costs and a future in solely electricity

Please contact our Program Coordinators Kelly Baber or Sush Singh if you are interested in joining Book Club or if you or your IAC center would like to co-host a WE2 Movie Night or other Virtual Social Events for students in the IAC program! We are open to any suggestions and please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about the event or about WE2 in general.

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