
All Woman IAC Energy Assessment

This Women’s History Month 2021, the Intermountain Industrial Assessment Center conducted an all woman energy assessment. The facility assessed produces automotive safety products. Their annual electricity bill was around 20.4 million kWh, and resulted in 6 recommendations touching on compressed air, insulating bare equipment, fuel switch, and creating an energy manager position. 

Team members included: 

Dr. Julie Sieving (Faculty Lead) – IIAC Co-Director
Brooke Yardley (Student Lead) – Junior Chemical Engineer
Tess Jorgensen (Safety Officer) – Sophomore Chemical Engineer
Sai Pandit – Junior Chemical Engineer
Abby Hall – Sophomore Chemical Engineer
Yunzhi Chen – PhD Chemical Engineer
Anne Doughtery – MBA Student

With special thanks to Moriah Henning (IIAC Alumni) and Dr. Kerry Kelly (Air Quality Expert and IIAC Partner).

“As a first time lead, I’m honored to have been able to work with this impressive team. I learned a great deal from these talented women. They set a high standard of professionalism, dedication, and teamwork. I hope we continue to foster an environment of support and excellent engineering practice.”

— Brooke Yardley

“It’s my first assessment in the IIAC, I am so happy to work with our assessment team. This experience makes me from zero to one in the energy consulting field. Thank you team for teaching me this!”

— Yunzhi Chen

“It was a great experience to work closely with such a strong group of women! I appreciated seeing the group step up and take on all aspects of the assessment.”

— Anne Doughtery

“As an alumni of the IAC, it was so fun to come back and work with this assessment team. It’s a unique experience to go into a manufacturing facility with an engineering team full of women, and the students of the IAC always impress me with their professionalism, great questions and insights.”

— Moriah Henning

Update: June 17, 2021

At the 2021 WE2 Annual Meeting (recording below) the Rutgers Team hosted a Panel discussion with the IIAC Assessment Team covering topics from major takeaways and lessons learned in conducting this all-woman energy assessment to their individual experiences as women and underrepresented minorities in STEM.

For panel discussion, skip to timestamp 20:14.

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