
Career and Skill Development

The WE2 Network Student Mentorship Program and informal mentorships, are important tools for skill development and career advancement.

See below for more opportunities and resources covering topics such as course, certifications, leadership development, grant opportunities, and other networks.

Leadership Development Resources

Leadership opportunities for students in the IAC program include Center Lead, Assessment Lead, Assessment Safety Officer, Head Graduate student, and a number of other titles varying center to center.

Similar percentages are shown for female IAC student leadership and achievement as compared to their overall representation in the program when it comes to short term leadership positions (assessment lead), but are under-represented in long term positions (center lead, grad student, etc). Additionally, while there are areas in which equality is apparent in the program, it is not always the case in each individual center.

The WE2 Network hopes to focus its efforts on increasing equity in leadership opportunities across all IACs, as well as give its students the leadership-development tools they need to succeed after graduation, especially the students of underrepresented identities in STEM. Empowerment of women in STEM is about the change in leadership tactics as well as the individual self improvement. The Confidence Gap is often cited as a major factor in the STEM diversity Leadership Gap.