
  Kickoff Event - Tuesday, 15th November, 2022

Our WE2 Kickoff Event 2022 took place on Tuesday, 15th November, 2022. The purpose of this event was for our participants to get to know each other as well as our WE2 team. This event began with some basic metrics about our Mentorship Program this year. This led into our requirements for our Mentorship Program participants as well as mentioning a few event the WE2 team enjoys hosting throughout the year. We took a quick tour of our CAES webpage (or our Mentorship Program Homepage) which discussed where our participants can find a variety resources for this year's Mentorship Program (such as this webpage). Lastly, we conducted a quick poll to get a grasp of our participants present at the event. The event concluded with our pairs being put into breakout rooms so have a quick chat if they hadn't met already or just to catch up with their partner. A recording of this event can be found below:

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